This allows Partners to provide a Single Sign-On feature for their clients in case they want to provide the same type of login to users of their platforms and UChat at the same time. No more separate logins for this.

Full documentation on this can be found here:


The supervisor role now also sees the bot users along with having access to the analytics section. this provides a more management role for this specific type of workspace member

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We have added new option inside the chatbot settings regarding what can be used and sent when the conversation is paused.

  1. Only messages from agents can be sent
  2. Messages from agent, trigger and smart delay will be sent

This allows for more flexibility

You can find the settings, in the settings -> general -> Pause bot automation option

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Partner Add-on: Global Search for bot user across workspace

This new update and addon allows you to search bot users from all bots

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This is the update only available to UChat partners.

You can find the settings, by going to your UChat main workspace, and then go to "white label settings", and then "partner settings" and then go to "Custom add-on", and then you can purchase this addon.

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More info can be found in this video:

Add Custom Bot User URL for Live Chat

A new feature inside chatbot settings has been added to input your own custom url.

This will allow you to directly access for example your own crm inside of livechat to update data inside.
Great for live chat agents to manage a crm not integrated into UChat.

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Add Assigned Agent Filter

At the request of quite a few users we added a new filter to be used in the conditions. This will allow you to filter the bot users by assigned agent id.

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Translate The Custom Menu Title

For partners we updated the translations addon to now also be able to translate the custom menu title. You can use custom menu title as key for translation.

Deprecate login user timezone

We have deprecated the user timezone as it was confusing to users when it comes to different time displays in the chatbot. Now by default the workspace timezone is uphold
New Improved
9 months ago

add TopupPoints and DeductPoints in partner api

We have added two new actions. Top up Points and Deduct points in our partner API


New Improved
9 months ago

List chat messages under bot user api action

We have added the ability to fetch the chat messages by using the bot user api action


this allows you to create nice transcripts by using one of the 3 formats we provide

Support of Sendgrid Category in email and notifications

We have added the ability to add the category of the type of email sent if you select your Sendgrid account using the email node as well as the email notification

Max Retries now added to the Assistant retrieve run action

We have added to automatically retry retrieving the run from the Assistant retrieve run action


WhatsApp flows goes into beta

We have added the new feature WhatsApp Flow into beta. it can now be used for anyone who uses the WhatsApp cloud API integration


New Improved
10 months ago

Keys to remove for ghl v2 api

Sometimes the return payload on GHL actions contain too many characters to be saved properly so we now added the ability to remove certain keys you do not need to only be left with the information you like to store


Debug Text type messages

We have added the ability to add debug texts on text-type nodes

Allow to overwrite the functions in the Assistant

We are now supporting the ability to overwrite existing function for the OpenAI Assistant in the completion action, create thread and  run actions
New Improved
10 months ago

Making function flows editable on templates even on none editable templates

We have added the ability to allow users to edit the function flows from templates when user disabled auto update or even when the template is set to none editable. 

this is used to allow the installed bot to modify some contents, such as whatsapp template message. So the template creator can move all the whatsapp template messages to function flow to allow user change it after install. and all other subflows can still be protected and auto updated. But if the sub flow template is not viewable, then even the user disabled the auto update feature from function flow, it will still be not viewable.

OpenAI Assistant remove citation option added

the assistant often refers citations where it based its replies on which makes for a weird experience inside of chatbots. We have added a citation removal to automatically remove any if they are present in the assistant reply


Last interaction time filter for board

We have added a filter so you can always filter users on board based on their last interaction status


this allows you to keep the most recent ones on top at all times

OpenAI Assistant is now supported

We have integrated OpenAI Assistant actions under the integration section of your chatbot flow builder

Also you will be able to create and update assistants and files under the integration section of your UChat Dashboard:


New language added

We added a new language: Kurdish


Agent Group Online Only option

When creating or editing an agent group you are now able to only allow assigning to happen if an agent in that group is online


this will prevent assigning to live chat agents who are offline and prevent tickets from not being picked up properly

Partner Paid Addon

This addon will allow you to set permissions per workspace member.

Determine exactly which permissions each member gets and get more control. You will be able to see a more complete overview in this video tutorial

WhatsApp Catalog Message

Similar to single product message

New Improved
11 months ago

Feature: allow country, region, city to be updated in set custom field

We now added the ability to set the values for the following system fields using the set variables: 
  • Country
  • Region
  • City

WhatsApp Cloud now supports message with button url type

The WhatsApp channels now provide the support of messages with website type buttons without the need for sending message templates.


This is now supported for WhatsApp Cloud API as well as


New Improved
11 months ago

Instagram channel now supports button support

In the past we needed to have a workaround to provide a text and button combination since the official endpoint was not there. The downside was the character limit was that of a card. This is no longer needed and we are now able to send text with regular buttons to the users

Text type question node improvement

The text type question node now also supports no match upon user request. if a user is sending anything other than regular text messages this no match option will be triggered


New Feature: Rate limiter

We added a new feature called "Rate Limit Attempt"

consider this action as a condition check, if too many attempts, then it will skip the following actions, if allowed, it will continue as normal


This can be used for a bunch of use cases like: 
  • Notification attempts per time interval
  • retries on external requests
  • limit the number of users going through a certain section of a flow
New Improved
11 months ago

Boards update: Search option enabled

We have added a search option inside the boards section to allow you to quickly find any user on your board and inside any column

This will be useful if you have a lot of users on your boards where you need to search through

Conversation visibility for agents update

We have now also extended the visibility capabilities for agents to not be able to access the boards anymore as it was a prior concern of users.

New API endpoint added: Send broadcast by tag

We have added a new endpoint to allow you to send broadcasts to users by tag ns id

Bot user API

We have added a new action under the action node -› advanced actions

this allows you to directly access bot user's data and map it easily to custom fields for easy access and or export to other systems


Pin custom fields in live chat

We have added the ability to pin custom fields of your preference directly into the live chat conversation with your bot users

This allows you to see the most important custom fields directly inside the conversation


this way you will be able to see important information that you saved like order information, account info, and more

New Improved
11 months ago

Partner update: more control of your plans features

We have added more control on the number of features you want to include into your pricing plans

We have added the my contents sections, boards, contents- custom events, tools- multiple languages, tools- custom reports and tools -inbound webhooks as additional features to include or exclude from your pricing plans

New API endpoint added: Broadcast by segment

This new endpoint allows you to broadcast to bot users based on the segment they are in


New API endpoint added: list flow segment

This new endpoint will allow you to retrieve all segments inside of a chatbot


Partner update: Hide pricing plan features

Partners requested the ability to hide the bot, members and bot users from the pricing plans as they create separate plans inside of their own billing software like Stripe.

New Improved
12 months ago

New Live chat setting: Only show agent assigned conversations

We have added another option to the live chat settings for agents to only see the conversations assigned to them only


This allows for more control as to what kind of conversation your live chat agents have access to

User notification -› Agent Group Chat

Whenever you are mentioned inside of one of the agent group chats you will receive a notification like following:


this will allow for better communication between yourself and other agents of the workspace

Notify user when WhatsApp Cloud token is about to expire

We have added a new feature where you will be notified 5 days in advanced when a WhatsApp cloud token is about to expire. We will send you an email to give you enough time to act and prevent any disruptions in your chatbot automations

Check in use

This new update allows you to check where your specific actions are used inside your flows. We have implemented this check for custom event, menu, otn topic, persona, sequence

Full video overview can be viewed here

new partner paid addon - translation

this new addon lets you fully customize the labels to your own language


GHL endpoints added: Opportunity

We have added the recently added opportunity endpoints to our native integration


add remote control by owner for auto update sub flow template

We have added the ability to remotely manage the template installations


from here you will be able to remotely disable or enable certain permissions on a per template basis


More information can be found on a our video guide
New Improved
12 months ago

New way of Accessing Bot Export file

Previously we sent the export file of bot users by email. Because some users reported the email took very long or did not receive it at all we have now added an additional section under the tool section in your chatbot menu.

After pressing the all export button on the bot users overview you will automatically get redirected to this section to download your file. 

Keep in mind that any generated file will be saved for a total of 7 days, so make sure you have downloaded it before that time

Feature: partner: user registration page allow to enable signup phone field

We have added another field upon the Partner request we received  requesting the phone number on the registration page


this allows you to either make it required or hide the field entirely

Expired for each buttons now trigger default reply

We have now added the ability to trigger a default reply on expired for each buttons. this allows it that whenever a user interacts several days later you can still send them to the next follow up question based on those button clicks

Agent group chats

In order to provide an allround solution where your team can communicate not only with your customers we now bring you a new feature that allows your team to communicate directly inside of UChat.

No need anymore to go back and forth to platforms like Slack. you can now do the exact same inside of UChat and keep everything very handy together

Video walkthrough can be seen here

Two new partner features: add partner credit auto topup and partner client points auto topup

We have added two new features for our partners:

  • Partner credit auto topup. When your credits are too low you can now automatically top-up to prevent workspaces getting downgraded
  • Partner client points auto topup. Similar to the first option but based on a client level

Mapbox integration

We have added a new integration with Mapbox

Similar to Google Map you will be able to have access to location based actions inside your flow builder. Go to flow builder -› action node -› integrations -› Map box and you will see the following actions

Google Map integration

We have added a new integration for Google Maps. You can just insert your own API key in order to connect to your account


Inside the flow builder -› action node -› integrations -› Google Map API you will find the following actions


E-commerce Locations

You are now able to use a new section in the e-commerce settings called "locations".

With this feature, you are able to set up your store location and use the e-commerce api to find the nearest locations according to the user location


New partner addons (paid)

We have added two more addons you can upgrade yourself and customize loading page and dashboard page
full details are explained in this video

New question text type option

We have pushed an update to allow to overcome a huge issue which is the ability to capture multiple user inputs in one go. We have added a timeout option for you to now capture all input from a user during your selected timeout and save it into one custom field


Do note that this option is only available for question node with a text based type. tutorial can be seen here

Webchat button to websites types

We have added a new option for buttons that targets to go to external links. 
When you set the open status to native you get the 3 following options: 
  1. Default -› opens in chat window
  2. Current window -› moving to the external link inside the same tab
  3. New window -› Moving to the external link in a new tab

New permission role added: Live chat Supervisor

We have added a new permission role you can use when you would like to invite your team members inside your workspace.

It is called Live chat supervisor. This is similar to live chat agent, but can see analytics and always be able to see all conversations and reassign agents.


New Datastores added

We have added two new Datastores: 
  • MySQL
  • Postgresql

SSO actions added

You can now access SSO actions directly inside your flow builder by going with an action block -› advanced actions -› SSO options


You will have access to 6 actions inside

New partner webhook added

We have added a new partner webhook: usage_alert

Custom thank you message on SSO settings

We have added the ability for you to customize your thank you message inside the SSO settings

Custom events and reporting

We have added a completely new feature that allows you to create custom events and even custom reports

Log into any chatbot then go to Analytics. You will find both new features at the bottom

Copy Text Button Type for Webchat

We have added a new button type for the webchat channel: Copy Text

this will allow users to copy the value you insert inside the button which is useful for all sorts of use case


Do take note this is only available on the webchat channel!

Add trigger, smart delay, keyword match and inbound webhook in system messages

We now have added the following sections to the system messages that are visible inside the live chat: 

  • triggers
  • smart delay
  • keyword match
  • inbound webhook

intents can be used as functions

We have added the feature where you can now add intents as functions inside your chat completions


Add Google My Business API to manage reviews

We have added Google API under the advanced actions of your flow builder. Actions Available:
  • List Reviews: Get a list of all your reviews
  • Get Review: Get information about a single review
  • Reply to Review: Enables you to respond to a review
  • Delete Review Reply: Enables you to delete a reply that has been made to a review

Documentation can be found here

Switch added to display System messages in live chat

We have added a toggle to allow you to display or hide System messages like adding/removal of tags, custom fields value changes and so on.

You can find this in your chatbot settings


Display the online status of your workspace members

We have added the ability to check the online status of your workspace members.

You will find this feature by going to the workspace settings -› Members


add Signup Email verification switch in partner settings

We have added the feature inside your partner settings to enable or disable Signup Email Verification. This will allow you to set up an extra layer of security to only allow valid email addresses during signups.

You can find this feature by going to your whitelabel settings -› Partner settings


auto-embed the video player if the content contains youtube, vimeo and loom url

We have added a new feature where whenever you share YouTube, Vimeo, and or Loom links these will automatically auto-embed inside the chat conversation in our Webchat channel.

This will improve the user experience and at the same time allow you to keep the user inside the chat at all times


Send Email/SMS actions added to CRM V2 actions

We have added the ability for you to send Email and or SMS through your GHL/Airchatty accounts using the CRM V2 actions inside your flow builder


Use GHL as your live chat agent

We have added the new live chat agent operator "GHL" to your chatbot live chat settings. This can be used to forward your live chat support to GHL/Airchatty whenever the bot is paused. Do note you need to have CRM V2 integration connected


Email two-way syncing using Sendgrid

We have pushed a new feature allowing you to use Sendgrid to send emails but also receive and reply to them as well using the live chat inbox


Reply to emails received in your live chat inbox

We have added an easy way for you to reply to any email you receive in your live chat inbox. Just press the dropdown on the email received and click reply


On-Premises only for location request message in whatsapp

We have added the feature for On-Premises only for location request message in WhatsApp

Webchat Widget custom css input box improved

We pushed an update to allow you to increase the size of the input box of the custom css


New Chatbot Analytics

We have added new sections to our chatbot analytics menu item:

  • Inbound webhooks
  • Error logs

New UI Design for the Bot page

We have implemented a new UI for the Chatbot page being able to minimize the menu items to give you more space when building out your automations


The sub menu on each menu section are now display vertically instead of horizontally


Create user fields on set variable action

We have now pushed an update to support the creation of new custom fields at the action "set variable" 

SSO Feature is now Live!!!

We pushed the new SSO feature live to all accounts


Link to the video overview:
Link to documentation:

improved the variable input box cursor position issue

We have made an update to the way variables are inserted. Previously there were issues that upon variable insertion between words the cursor would end up at the end of the text box. 

Also when wanting to remove variables it would cause the cursor to skip to the end. 

Both of these issues have been fixed

Disable reassign conversation by agent

We have now provided the action to re-assign the conversation by agent as a separate option and is now no longer dependant on the visibility status


Feature: allow user to set online or offline status from the top right corner

You can now determine your online status of your profile by setting it either active or away. Just go to the top right corner and press the dropdown


Allow to use Custom Sender ID in Send SMS and SMS notification action

We have added the feature you can now add in your own Custom Sender ID inside the send sms and sms notification actions if your connected provider supports it


Feature: do not allow agent to reassign to another agent from live chat if Conversation visibility setting is disabled

When you have the conversation ability disabled inside the chatbot settings agents will not be able to re-assign the conversation to another agent


Feature: add new sms provider Telnyx

A new SMS provider upon request has been added: Telnyx
New Improved
about 1 year ago

Improved feature: allow to select style (full page, embed, popup..) for ref url widget for web channel

We have added the option to choose how you would like to open the webchat widget under the ref url settings, giving you more freedom to select your preferred option

New action added: clear multiple variable value

Besides the single and clear all variables we have now added a new action "clear multiple variable value"

Allow partner Admin to edit clients workspace bots

We have now extended the ability for Partner admins to not only log in and view the client workspace but also make edits on them to resolve issues, explain features, and so on

New WhatsApp template type: Authentication type

With this new template type you will be able to let users verify their account by copy and pasting generated login codes from a sent message template

New action and Trigger: Conversation invalid

You are now able to mark any conversation as invalid:

And at the same time also start an automation on it:

New notification type added: Facebook Notification

With this notification you are now also to send admin notifications on the Facebook channel.

You will be able to search through any of your connected Messenger bots inside the workspace and can search for the user by subscriber id or ns, email and or phone number

you will also be able to select any of the 3 special Messenger tags to notify the person of your choosing

New Agent feature added: Round Robin an agent groups

We now added the ability to select the Round Robin feature directly inside the agent group.

This will provide a more equal distribution of tickets between the agents inside the group based on their weighting

Two new conditions based on SSO

We have added two new conditions for our SSO beta feature: 
  • Is SSO user
  • Has SSO user connected

With these conditions you are now able to use it in different use cases to identify the user across channels

Improvements on the text input box

We have made some great improvements to the text input boxes so let's go over them: 

  1. If you have a language like Arabic where the standard is to type from right to left the system will now automatically pick this up

  2. We also improved the conversion of custom field variables into actual custom fields

    This way you will be able to dynamically let those variables convert into the actual custom fields. 
  3. On some elements like buttons when you pressed enter it went to a new line which did not make much sense on that element itself has now been solved to stick to just 1 line. 

New Partner API endpoint: Create new workspace for existing user

We have added a new endpoint to the partner API to allow you to create a new workspace for an existing user.

This allows you to have more freedom in terms of setup

You can find the endpoint here

More information has been given in our recorded video at:
New Improved
over 1 year ago

Shopify Abandoned cart wait time option

We have pushed an update to the Shopify integration. You now have the option to set your own desired waiting time to trigger an abandoned cart trigger


This will allow you to bypass the default 30 minutes and set it anywhere from 5 minutes all the way up to 60 minutes

new option "User Profile - Language" for set language action

We have added a more dynamic way of setting the language of the Chatbot. Instead of a pre-set dropdown, you can now directly set the access by using the user profile language instead


Under the value section, you can then use the user profile system field and select the language dynamically


this will skip the need for the user language

Telemarketing Timezone is added

We have added an additional section inside the SMS channel Telemarketing hours called Telemarketing Timezone

By default the system will use the user timezone but if it is unable to find it then will revert to the workspace timezone instead. 

But you might want to set up another timezone altogether and that is now easily done with the release of this feature

New languages have been added

We have added new languages for Korean and Vietnam

Partner Update: Remove add-on from workspace

Partner now can remove addon from UI if the workspace has an add-on
New Improved
over 1 year ago

Question block multiple choice pagination option

We have added the option to allow you to have a pagination on dynamic multiple-choice options


This will help you if your total number of items needing to show surpasses 10. This is available in the following channels: 
  • Webchat
  • Messenger
  • Instagram
  • Google
New Improved
over 1 year ago

New search bar added in mini-apps

We have added a search bar option to search for specific actions if the mini-app has more than 8 actions available


this will allow you to quickly search for your preferred action and give a better user experience

New Intent system powered by OpenAI and ChatGPT!

We have completely rebuilt the intent system and provided it in a well-deserved place in the chatbot automation section


complete video walkthrough can be seen at:
Our documentation:

New Live chat webhook Added

We have added a new integration to allow you to send incoming messages to webhook url when bot is paused


Add continue step for receiver in whatsapp template notification

We have added the option to determine on which side the WhatsApp template notification needs to continue when a button is pressed


This allows you to set to continue for the receiver soon as the user pressed the button and continue the flow

Show Shop Orders in user profile in live chat

You can now view orders of bot users directly inside of the live chat


Master Template is live

We have released the much-requested master template feature which has an auto-update feature to update all installed templates when changes are being made to the master template


Video with complete overview can be found here:

New currency added: IQD

We have added the currency IQD to the e-commerce store


Open AI system messages for agent assist in live chat

We have added the OpenAI system message to the live chat assistant. this allows you to generate better replies based on the system message

System message support in live chat assistant

You can have multiple system messages and you can create and select them when pressing the button "Select"

Quick Replies have been increased

As Messenger supports up to 13 quick replies we adapted this new number instead of the original 10. 

Do keep in mind that some channels might not support that many quick replies

New Instagram API action: reply to comments

We have added the endpoint to the Instagram API action to allow you to reply to comments made on any of your posts.


You can find this option under Actions, advanced actions, Instagram API, reply to comment

New Facebook API action: Update Page post

We have added a new action that allows you to update posts on your connected Facebook page

Update Facebook page post

Set multiple user fields by name in api

We have added a new endpoint where you can now set multiple custom fields by name which will reduce the number of API request needed to update multiple custom fields

Set multiple custom fields

Add agent messages sent by day in the week heatmap in agent analytics

We have added the analytics "add agent messages sent by day" in the week heatmap

Google Tag Manager Integration

We have added the Google Tag Manager to the integration options.

Google Tag Manager

add send gtag event for webchat

Subscribe to sequence from live chat

We have added the option to subscribe bot users to a sequence directly from the live chat

Subscribe user directly to sequence

Improvement OpenAI intent detection

Previously there were issues where the language of the user was randomly used and it referred back to English the next question after. 

We improved the feature to ensure the user's input is used at all times

New feature SMS Channel: Telemarketing Hours

We have added a new feature to the settings of the SMS bot called Telemarketing hours

SMS tele marketing hours

This will allow you to set up the times and days in which SMS can be sent to your subscribers. Anything outside the given parameters will not send

New OpenAI action: Detect Intent with autoslot filling

This new feature allows you detect the intent of the user and automatically capture any data as parameters very easily

OpenAI Intent detection

For a video walkthrough watch here

New Storage added: S3

We have added a new storage option under the integration section called S3 storage. it is working with AWS S3, backblaze, digital ocean and all s3 compatible cloud storage

New S3 storages

New Language added: Japanese

We have added a new language to be used inside the platform which is Japanese

Feature: added Goto Node Ns

We have added the a new action that allows you to go to any node by using the node's ns id.

goto node by ns id

You will find the action by creating an action block, go to advanced actions then select Goto Node Ns

Webchat update: collect user ip, country, region, city, browser, platform, device type, referrer, landing page

We have added several data points to be collected from users by webchat: collect user ip, country, region, city, browser, platform, device type, referrer, landing page

You can access these inside the flow builder under the user system field;
webchat user data

Webchat Update: auto parse content url to clickable

Upon user request we have implement the auto parsing of any link and convert it to a clickable link

Auto parsing of links
New Improved
over 1 year ago

JS node update: Generate script by AI

We have added the button "Try Generate by AI" to the JS node.
Generate JS by AI

This will only work if you have your OpenAI account connected under your workspace integrations. Once done you can give a prompt and see the code being automatically added to the code block;

AI generated code

New API Endpoints: add multiple tags, delete multiple tags, set multiple user fields

We have added new endpoints for bulk options of tags and user fields

Bulk option endpoints added
New Improved
over 1 year ago

New API endpoint added: add generate open ai embeddings

We have added a new API endpoint to allow you to regenerate embeddings through our API now
regenerating OpenAI embeddings through API

Show whatsapp message template content in live chat

You can now see the contents of the WhatsApp Message template in the live chat to make it easier see which one has been sent to the bot user

WhatsApp message template preview in live chat

Live chat showing origin of last message

Feature: change last message in live chat, not only show the message from user, also from bot or agent
Last chat message origin

Webchat Update: Auto close Popups

 add "close popup window" action for web chat, can be used to auto close stripe payment page, calendar booking page, and so on

Webchat auto close popup

Last agent interaction system fields added

We have added two new live chat agent system fields:
  • Last agent interaction (minutes ago)
  • Last agent interaction

Viber Channel update

We have now added the support of quick reply buttons on the Viber Channel

Facebook API, list ads posts will show Dark posts

We have added a new action to the Facebook API where you can now comment on ads posts

list and comment on ads posts comments

Display Facebook Ads Posts in comment keywords dropdown list

We have now added the ability to see your Facebook ads posts in the comment trigger automation dropdown list

Facebook ads posts

Bug fix: the Zero decimal currency issue for stripe payment

We have implement a fix for the zero decimal currency issue such as JPY inside the Stripe integration

ChatGPT Updates

We have added the following updates:
  • Saving the Chat History in a new system field OpenAI
  • Clearing the Chat History action

New System Message option for Chat completion

We have added the "System Message" field to now allow you to define the role, guidelines, and business information more easily

system message

system message instructions

OpenAI Embedding filter added

We have added the "Type" filter which will allow you to better manage and match embeddings.
filter for embeddings

You can then use this filter type inside of the embedding match action node

Embedding match filter

OpenAI Embedding Bulk option added

We have added the option to select and bulk delete embeddings

bulk delete embeddings

Adding attachments to email when sending from live chat

We added the option to now be able to add attachment when creating an email directly inside of live chat

Adding attachments

Quick Reply expire time increased

We have increased the default expiration time for quick replies from 30 minutes to 3 days

New Automation Triggers added:

We have added New Shopify triggers:
Shopify Webhook for:
  • abandoned cart(30 minutes)
  • order created
  • order cancelled 
  • order fulfilled
  • order paid events
Shopify Automation Triggers

You can find these triggers by going to Automation -› Triggers -› Press button + New Trigger -› Shopify Webhook

Added Clear button in Integrations section

We have added a Clear button in the integration section to let you easily clear any login values on any of the integrations. This will allow you to clear with a single button press instead of needing to manually remove all data first then press save

Clear button in integrations

Support of GrapgQL body type in external request

A new body type is now supported in the external request node: GraphQL
GraphQL now supported

Showing System messages in live chat

You will now be able to see system messages directly inside of live chat:

  • Custom field value changes
  • tag added, removed

Add JS function library "Chrono" a natural language date parser, extract date time from any given text

We have added a new library to the js node. this allows you to catch the date and time more easily inside of any free input given by a user.

New JSON library added called Chrono
Improved Fixed
over 1 year ago

Fixed bug of Unable to store 0 in a text field inside Question block when using "text"

There was an issue when trying to store the number 0 inside of a text block in a question block. This has now been resolved

From other sub flows" reference in the node if it is used by other sub flows goto node

If a flow has been triggered by a different flow you will now see a reference of all flows pointing to the current one
previous flow reference inside starting node

Default menu item website url to use bot field (text type only)

You can now use bot fields as well inside your default menu item url type

Instagram Media/Post Shared trigger

We have added a new trigger under the automation section that allows you to also trigger automations whenever a person shares one of your regular Instagram posts

Instagram Post trigger

New operator for set custom field action -> input value multiple lines

You can now set custom fields with multiple lines instead of just the single one.
Multiple line value

It will then look like this;

Inserting multiple lines

Dashboard live chat show number of new messages badge for other bots

We pushed an update to allow you to see which bots have new messages directly from your dashboard live chat section

Live chat new messages overview

This allows you to clearly see which bots might require your attention related to customer support

OpenAI Embedding limit increased

We have increased the OpenAI embeddings from 100 to 500 allowing you to train OpenAI more on answering your business related questions. 

AI live chat assistant

With the arrival of ChatGPT we also introduced the AI live chat asisstant.
AI assistant

With this new feature you can get suggestions from ChatGPT about what your next reply could be. Very useful if users are asking about topics outside of the business setting

Use AI suggestion

ChatGPT Integration now Live in UChat

ChatGPT API was released two days ago and we integrated with it asap to bring you the most complete solution.

UChat's native integration with ChatGPT

take a look at how you can use them here
and here
New Improved
over 1 year ago

Display quick reply buttons again when click next page in foreach

Display quick reply buttons again when click next page in foreach

Add failed handler for send whatsapp message template and add system field last_error

WebChat: auto start conversation after click the bubble if has default start flow set and no channel enabled

show as system message in live chat when assigned to agent

Add "Facebook Ad Referral" and "Facebook LeadGen" triggers

Add 4 new api for sending, "send text", "send sms", "send email", "send node"

Add "disable user input" and "enable user input" actions for webchat

You can find these action in action -> Advanced action

Add 4 new api, flow-summay, flow-agent-summary, team-flows, team-members

Add "Greeting Messages" in webchat widget, require whitelist url and it is only displayed for new conversation

Add new language "German (de)" and "Arabic (ar)" for UI

Add new language "German (de)" and "Arabic (ar)" for UI

Improved OpenAI embeddings generation to avoid rate limit issue

improved OpenAI embeddings generation to avoid rate limit issue

Add "Pricing Page note" to Partner settings

This is only for UChat partners, you can find the setting in your white label settings -> partner settings.
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Add "hide send calendar" and "hide send sub flow" in live chat settings

Add "add multiple tags" and "remove multiple tags" action

Now you can add or remove multiple tags

Add "duplicate product" feature to quick create a new product

OpenAI embedding import & export updates

add "Open AI Embedding" API including import json data

Add "Export to csv" and "Import from csv" for OpenAI Embeddings

Facebook Ads Integration & Facebook Group integration & Facebook Page integration

Add "Integrations" -> "Facebook Ads" to create custom audience in "Facebook API" action

Add "Integrations" -> "Facebook Group" to send post to group in "Facebook API" action

Add "Create page post" in "Facebook API" action, need reconnect Facebook page

Add "Facebook API" in advanced action

Add "Ecommerce API" action and Order status triggers

Add "whatsapp ad referral" trigger

With this update, you will be able to track exact which ads the user is coming from, and also, you can redirect the user to different automation depending on which ads they are coming from.

New Feature: native Open AI Integration action

Allow to apply coupon code in woocommerce when create order or update order

Add new Javascript library libphonenumber JS, used to parse or format phone numbers

add new Javascript library  libphonenumber JS, used to parse or format phone numbers

Allow to send any node in the live chat when select sub flow

allow to send any node in the live chat when select sub flow

Allow to send whatsapp message template from sub flow in live chat

allow to send whatsapp message template from sub flow in live chat

Allow to send whatsapp template message directlly in live chat

allow to send whatsapp template message directlly in live chat

add "get item by key value" operation in JSON operation

add "get item by key value" operation in JSON operation

Add new operation "format a datetime field" in Set Variable Value to convert datetime field to text field

Add new api flow/agents to return all the users for the bot

Inbound webhook improvement: add crm contact id check and optional create bot user in web or whatsapp channel

Inbound webhook improvement: add crm contact id check and optional create bot user in web or whatsapp channel

Add sidebar menu "CRM" if the workspace connected to AirChatty CRM v2

Activate AirChatty CRM c2 menu if connected V2

Allow batch delete tags

Now you can delete multiple tags at the same time.

Show Facebook Ads Traffic Source in live chat

When Facebook Ads received, the referral will be available in System field last message.
Last message System field

Here is how it looks in the live chat:

Add new feature "Boards", now available to all workspaces

Add new feature "Boards", now available to all workspaces

Allow "Reply Message" to user message in live chat for whatsapp channel

Allow "Reply Message" to user message in live chat for whatsapp channel

Add "Calendar File Generator" Action under Advanced Actions, also allow to send "Calendar File" in live chat as file or attachment in send email

add "Calendar File Generator" Action under Advanced Actions, also allow to send "Calendar File" in live chat as file or attachment in send email

Add "Note" and "Note Type" for Board

Now you can add note and select note type when adding to the board.

Add "Custom Css" in webchat widget -> Display Style

Now, you can adjust your own web chat widget settings using CSS

Add "Calendar File Generator" Action under Advanced Actions, also allow to send "Calendar File" in live chat as file or attachment in send email

This feature will allow you to easily add calendar event to your cutomer's calender. never miss an appointment

Allow "Reply Message" to user message in live chat for whatsapp channel

Now in the WhatsApp channel, you can quote and reply the user's message in the live chat.

Add "Conversation visibility" in live chat settings

Disable this option, the live chat agents will only have access to new conversations and conversations that are assigned to them.

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Allow to filter custom field name in Live Chat side bar of bot user fields

Add bulk action ["Move to folder", "delete"] for sub flows (only available for table view)

New feature (Beta): "Boards" with "Move to board" Action

Add "Resume Bot Automation" Action

Add bot users count api

Add new APIs, Pause bot, resume bot, assign agent, unassign agent, move chat to

Add resume bot automation keyword operator

Add preprocessData in external request action

Add "Sync" data store from Mongodb to UChat

Add "Sync" data store from Mongodb to UChat

Add include products sample data in publish template

Add include products sample data in publish template

Add missing translation for WhatsApp List Message

Now multiple language support WhatsApp list message as well

Add whatsapp api for contact

Add Ecommerce Discount Code Api

Goto block to any node

Open bot user in live chat from view bot user popup

Add checkbox for mini app inputs, one time url form

Added checkbot for mini app input support.

Auto create google sheet when install templates

If you included Google sheet in your template, you can select to copy the sample content if you want.

Once the end user installs the template, Google sheet will be recreated, and content will be copied over, and Google sheet action will remain intact.

Partner: change "inactive" plan to "archived" plan

The archived status means, the plan will be still active, but it will not show up under your own custom billings.

Partner: add "Custom Menus"

Now partner can add their own links under all workspaces under their own custom domain.

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Partner: Add "Web chat support"

With this update, partner can offer live chat support right within the dashboard. 

The web chat in the main workspace will be used to offer live chat support.

Partner: add two new plans "Business Lite" and "Business Large"

Business lite plan:
1 bot, 10000 bot users, 5 members, cost price $30 per month

Business large plan:
5 bots, 50000 bot users, 10 members, cost price $100 per month

Partner Internal billing update

Partner: add billing type "Internal Billing"

Partner: add Addon Credit billing

Partner: Add Stripe Billing Portal for partner client

More details & tutorial here:

Add shop tags, vendors, product types in Web and API

add shop tags, vendors, and product types in Web and API

Add broadcast API

With this update, you will be able to send broadcast through our API.

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Add language option in Dialogflow Action

With this update, UChat support multiple languages in our native Dialogflow integration.

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Business hour condition updates

🚀 UChat Update: Business hour condition 🚀

Now you can easily set up your business hours in the ecommerce -> settings, and use this new business hour condition check in all the channels we support.

Tutorials below 👇

UChat support import subscribers from Manychat with tags & user custom fields

improve Import manychat users, allow to import tags and custom user fields

How to do tutorials:

Partner: pause workspace in UI and partner api, when workspace is paused, the bot will be paused and workspace become readonly

Partner: pause workspace in UI and partner api, when workspace is paused, the bot will be paused and workspace become readonly

Video tutorial:

Improved Fixed
almost 2 years ago

Update facebook to show multiple images

Previously the live chat only shows 1 image, now if you upload multiple images at the same time, all will show up in your Live chat.

Allow to send audio and video in instagram

With updates you can send audio and video in Instagram.

Please note, Audio format do not support mp3 file. Yes, that's right! :)

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UChat Free trial options for partners

With this update, UChat partners can:

1. Select how many days of free trial they can offer

2. Offer free trial for new user or every new created workspaces.

More details here:

UChat Partners Admin Mode

With this update, UChat partners will be able to access all the customer's workspace under their custom domain to offer support.

More details here:

Stripe billing automation for UChat partners

You can connect your Stripe subscription products with your paid plan, UChat will automate the purchase and cancellation.

More details here:

Send WhatsApp template message notification

🚀 UChat Update: Send WhatsApp template message notification 🚀

Now, you can send WhatsApp template message notification in any of the channels UChat support. 

✅ No more 24 hour restriction to receive message

✅ Support in any channel UChat Support

✅ Seamless connection between different channels.

Check the below 10 mins videos to learn more about this exciting features 🚀

web chat widget: add "User Message Text Color"

Facebook chat widget: update chat widget customization

allow to store Instagram "Story Id and Url" from Story mentioned and Story replied triggers

GoHighLevel integration

Web Chat Widget released, including web chat preview

add integration and action for GoHighLevel API V1 & V2 (displayed as CRM V1 & V2)

add "Play Sound" option to Live Chat desktop notification settings

web chat widget support Custom User Menu

web chat widget support Custom User Menu

Parter updates

Partner: Stripe billing allow link multiple stripe price to a plan and then install different template for different price

Partner updates

Partner: Add new feature "WebChat Widget Powered By Partner", when disabled, it will hide the "Powered by" from the web chat widget

Web chat widget: add Omni channel start button

Web chat widget: add Hebrew language and support RTL

add zh-TW language

Web chat widget: Add quick reply button style customization

Updates: Added "Bank Transfer" payment method.

Add generate Stripe & Paypal checkout URL

Add "Stripe Checkout Url" Action
Add "PayPal Checkout Url" Action
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Allow search product by sku in "Get Products" action and product gallery and shopping cart

Allow search product by sku in "Get Products" action and product gallery and shopping cart

UChat support French Language now!

UChat support French Language now!
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Google sheet action, add select return columns in "Get row", "Random row", and "Multiple rows"

Email notification: add comma as separator for sending to multiple addresses

improvement: email notification: add comma as separator for sending to multiple addresses

Change the way how to select multiple node, Press and hold Shift key and then click mouse in empty space and move mouse to select multiple nodes

change the way how to select multiple node, Press and hold Shift key and then click mouse in empty space and move mouse to select multiple nodes

After you select the multiple node, you can use CTRL+C, and CTRL+V to copy and paste.

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Add "Custom Input" in Condition, this will be useful to compare the value in json variable.

Improvement: Datastore, add select return columns in "Search Records"

improvement: Datastore, add select return columns in "Search Records"

Add Quick answer display style for WhatsApp in advanced settings

Show "Next x Items" in WhatsApp, Telegram Carousel pagination as button

show "Next x Items" in WhatsApp, Telegram Carousel pagination as button

Add "Trigger" in Voice flow to run workflow only

Add "Integrations" -> "Facebook Business" to display Business and Catalog, and Sync Facebook Products to local ecommerce system

Add "Integrations" -> "Facebook Business" to display Business and Catalog, and Sync Facebook Products to local ecommerce system

Add Persistant menu for instagram (Instagram do not support user menu)

Add Persistant menu for instagram (Instagram do not support user menu)

Add "Insert Position" in Google Sheets "Insert Row", support "Append row to bottom" or "Prepend row to top"

Add "Insert Position" in Google Sheets "Insert Row", support "Append row to bottom" or "Prepend row to top"

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Partner: add support_email in whitelabel settings, When the user use "Email us" under custom domain, it will send the email to support_email

Partner:  add support_email in whitelabel settings, When the user use "Email us" under custom domain, it will send the email to supoort_email

Add Folder(as Group) in MiniApp actions

Allow to select WhatsApp cloud API phone number to send notification from

In the action -> Notification -> WhatsApp notification, you can select WhatsApp cloud APi to send WhatsApp message from.
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Add send notification to Viber

Now, In any of the channels we support, you can send notification to your Viber account.

You can find the settings: Action -> Notification -> Viber Notification.
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Add "Show Characters limit" in MiniApp Action inputs

Add "Action Type" in MiniApp Actions

Display currency symbol in ecommerce pages (Create product, shopping cart ...) based on the selected currency in shop setting

Improvement: Display currency symbol in ecommerce pages (Create product, shopping cart ...) based on the selected currency in shop setting

Display product with multiple variants in Product Gallery with Price range

improvement: display product with multiple variants in Product Gallery with Price range

Allow to display Question quick answer button style as keyword menu for telegram bot

Allow to display Question quick answer button style as keyword menu for telegram bot

Allow to use second level of folders in sub flow management

Now you can use two level of folders to organize your flows.
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Opt-out for SMS & Email

🔥 Updates: Opt-out for SMS & Email 🚀

Follow the best practice to build your omni channel funnels & follow ups:

- Ask for the user permission to send SMS or Email
- Use action to opt-in the user for SMS or Email
- Use condition to check opt-in status before sending SMS or Email
- Set up email opt-out & SMS opt-out triggers, update the user opt-in status.

Always keep this in mind, Keep your account safe.

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Support you to send audio message in live chat(both desktop & mobile app)

🔥 Updates:Support you to send audio message in live chat(both desktop & mobile app)
Now you can easily record and send & receive audio message in our live chat. supported both in mobile app and desktop.


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Add send Sticker in WhatsApp and Telegram

Add bulk action to export selected bot users

Allow paste image in the live chat

Now, you can easily paste the image in the live chat.

Added pre chat form to the web chat widget

With this update, you can collect the user information before they start the conversation.

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Add import user from Manychat

You can use this in the messenger channel or omni channel. 

You will need to export contact list from Manychat, and then put their API key in UChat, and then wait for the list to be imported.

Video tutorial here:

Shared Docs:

Add "Mark conversation pending action" + Add conversation pending trigger

Add Whatsapp List Message Type

Added a new WhatsApp list message type.

Now you can use the list message as the "navigation".

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Add "Move to Mobile/Continue chat in Mobile" feature in web chat widget

This is a cool feature in web chat.

You can scan the code, and then continue the web chat on your phone seamlessly!

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Delete comments option in Facebook Comments

Now you can set up automation rule to delete certain comments under your Facebook post.

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Add live comment reply for instagram

Add "Minimum allowed date" and "Maximum allowed date" in Question -> Date and Datetime picker

Auto stop "Pause automation" in live chat after sending subflow to user

Now the user go back to the automation after you send subflow to the user.
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Add "Apply Discount Code" action

Add new Role "Live Chat Agent" to allow only live chat access

This new role only access the live chat.

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Instagram foreach pagination in last card

Now you can use different next page style in Instagram channel.

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Add "calendly booking url" action

Now you can generate calendly booking url, this can be used in the whatsApp template message.

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Facebook custom user menu allow to user variable

Introducing UChat Partner API

With partner API, you will be able to:

- Create user/new workspace
- Upgrade/downgrade the user's workspace to your own pricing plan
- Add/remove addon
- Enable/disable auto-renew
- Set up webhook to listen to the below events in your custom domain
  • user_registered
  • workspace_created
  • workspace_deleted
  • plan_changed
  • plan_renewed
  • overdue
This is only available for partners.

More about our partner program:
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Fix omni-channel create bot user from api issue

fix omni-channel create bot user from api issue, if phone is provided, then it will use whatsapp channel by default if the channel is not sent in the payload, "channel" is new key added, only available for omni-channel api.

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Add GMB Name and GMB Place Id system field to GMB Bot

Add GMB Name and GMB Place Id system field to GMB Bot, if you have business in multiple locations, you can use this in the condition of the flow.
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Add Facebook Recurring Notification

Now you can send daily, weekly, monthly recurring notification in messenger.

You can learn how to set up recurring notification here:

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Add contains_word in keywords trigger

Send sms and email in live chat if has email or phone

If the user is out of 24 hour window, you can choose to send the contact sms or email if the contact has email or phone number.

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Add plan customerize feature for partner

If you are our partners, now you can customerize the plan, disable or enable certain features for different plan.
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Allow send whatsapp template message outside 24 hours

Now in the live chat, you can send template message if the user is out of 24 hour window in whatsapp channel.

Free sandbox for UChat partners

Now every uchat parnter can get a few sandbox account if you want to test with our partner API.

Create a workspace under your custom domain, and send the workspaceID to the support, we will convert it for you.

UChat partner API:

More about UChat partner program:

Add telegram menu in the omni channle

Now telegram support menu in the omni channel.

Send file in the live chat

Now you can send files in the live chat.
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Add "Assign to agent" Action & "Live Agent Notification" Action

With these two actions, you can easily assign the conversation to your team members, and also send notification to them(support mobile apps, intercom, jivochat,slack, drift, front etc)

You can check our live chat settings in each channel.

By default, if the conversation isn't assigned to any agent, then it will send notification to all the team members.

Whoever replies first will get assigned conversation.

Add "add note for teammates" action

Add "add note for teammates" action

Multiple language support

In the user settings, you can set up language, also if you are our partners, you can also find the language settings in your partner settings.

If you set up the default language in your partner settings, every workspace created will be in that language by default.

Currently support language is:
- English
- Chinese
- Spanish
- French
- Hebrew
- Portuguese(Brazil)
- Turkish

If you want to help us translate the language, here is how to do that:

Add new system field "Last Message"

Add image, sticker, audio, video, file, location check in keywords

Allow promotion code in stripe buy button

Now you can use the coupon code you create in your stripe account right inside of UChat.
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Add new status "pending" for bot user inbox. Open, pending, done

Delete workspace under Partner settings

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Now partner can delete the workspace under their custom domain.

This is only available for partners.

More about our partner program:

More updates you can find here:

If you have any suggestion, you can submit here:


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Create workspace from partner API without email verification

Now, you can turn off the email verification in your partner API.

This is only available for partners.

More about our partner program:
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Add fb comment through dialogflow

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Now you can use Dialogflow to automatically detect the intent of the comment and then reply.

More details you can find in this video:

Add live chat auto pause time settings in the flow settings

Now you can set up your own pause automation time in the flow settings.

By default, it's 30 mins. Also for the live chat integration, once the agent reply, it will pause the automation, and also use this default time.
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Allow to hide fb user comment

Now you can automate hide Facebook user comments
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Telegram to pull the profile picture if available

Telegram to pull the profile picture if available

Add mini-app "Set Action Failed" Action

Add mini-app "Set Action Failed" Action

Add filters in live chat

Add selectable columns for bot users page

Add min_score and fallback_to in dialogflow dynamic response json

if min_score is set, then it will check the min_score with confidence score.

if confidence_score < min_score, then it will not process the content. if the fallback_to is set, then it will process fallback_to (similar to goto, can use node_ns, sub_flow_ns, or node name), otherwise, do nothing

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Add stripe invoice payment trigger.

add stripe invoice payment succeeded and stripe invoice payment failed trigger for stripe buy button of subscription webhook
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The sample data in the webhook payload:

'id', 'object', 'account_country', 'account_name', 'amount_due', 'amount_paid', 'amount_remaining',
                        'attempt_count', 'attempted', 'created', 'currency', 'customer', 'customer_email', 'customer_name',
                        'hosted_invoice_url', 'invoice_pdf','livemode', 'number', 'payment_intent',
                        'period_end', 'period_start', 'status', 'subscription', 'tax', 'tax_percent',
                        'total', 'total_discount_amounts', 'total_excluding_tax', 'total_tax_amounts'

Line Channel: use replyToken for the first message sent

This is an update about the Line channel.

Thanks to the suggestion from Winho!!

Before the update, we were using "push" to send all the message. Winho mentioned that this can cost their "push message" quota and suggested we can send message by using the replyToken, which means that, using "reply" instead of "push". This can save a lot consumption of "push message" to their Line account.

Now the system will use the replyToken to send the first message. For example, a user sends "hi". If you have 2 messages to respond to this greeting. The first one will be sent using "reply" and the second one (all the rest) using "push".

This can somehow save your "push" messages amount in your Line account.

Triggers: assigned to agent trigger added

This is an update about triggers. We added a new trigger called "assigned to agent".

In any bot, go Automation > Triggers and you will find it here:

This can be used along with the "assign to agent" action. In Action Step > Basic Actions > Assign to Agent:

Instagram/Omni Channel - Action Step - Instagram API action added

This is an update about the Action Step on Instagram Channel and Omni Channel.

Action Step > Advanced Actions > Instagram API:

There are 3 actions available:

1. Get IG User - get the Instagram profile of this bot user including info like "have the user followed you?" and their Instagram username, etc

2. Get IG Account - get the Instagram account info of the current chatbot including info like "how many followers does it have?".

3. Get IG Account Media - get media like video etc.

Facebook Comment: Dialogflow agent supported.

This is an update about Facebook comment growth tool.

You can now select your Dialogflow agent to process users' comments!

If the user's comment matches one of your fulfilment, the response will be used to reply to the user's comment on the post. 

Facebook Comment - Hide user comment

This is an update about Facebook channel - comment growth tool.

You can now select "Hide the user comment" when setting a comment in your Facebook bot:

This means that, when keyword matched, your bot can automatically hide this comment in your post.

Partner Plan: show only selected templates & mini-apps in custom domain

This is an update about Agency Settings for Partner Plan subscribers with credit billing enabled.

Before the update, all templates and mini-apps in the UChat template/app store will show in your custom domain for all your clients. Now you can choose to show or not show each one of the templates and apps.

To manage the settings, go "Agency Settings" on your dashboard, then "Templates" or "Mini-Apps":

Partner Plan: templates created inside custom domain will be only available for custom domain users

This is an update about Partner / Agency / Agency Plus.

Before the update, templates created from a workspace under your custom domain will be all added to the UChat public template store and all UChat users can install it.

Now, templates created from a workspace under your custom domain, will not be added to UChat public template store. Only users under your custom domain can access it.

Released WhatsApp Cloud API as new Channel

You can now build your whatsapp chatbot with cloud API.

Demo video:

Help documentation:

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Add "update user profile" action for Facebook

You can find this action under "Advanced actions", and after using this action, user_name first_name, last_name, gender, locale, language, timezone, image will be updated.
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Add new operator & improve on the set variable action

Add "update order status" action

Add the update order status, you can update the order by ID, and also you can set the status to paid/ordered/processing/shipped/completed/cancelled/Refunded

Add support to send WhatsApp single product message & Multiple products messages

Add support to send WhatsApp single product message & Multiple products messages(catalog ID and product ID required)

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Add WhatsApp & Telegram Notification Action

You can now send notification to your WhatsApp & Telegram Account

Default TTS for multiple language in Voice Channel

This is an update about Voice Channel - Tools - Multiple Languages.

Before the update, when you switch language, the default TTS setting in the Start Step is not changed accordingly.

You can now add a default TTS for a language so that the default TTS language change when you switch to this language:

Note that the priority for TTS voice is:

Node level TTS > Set language level TTS > Sub flow level TTS

Send WhatsApp Single / Multiple Product Message

This is an update about the WhatsApp channel - Send Message Step.

Two new message types are added to the Send Message Step in the WhatsApp channel.

They are "Single Product" and "Multiple Products", find them in the "Catalog Product":

Catalog Id and Product Id are required:

Send WhatsApp & Telegram Notification in the Action Step!!

This is an update about Action Step - Notification.

Before the update, you are able to send SMS, Voice, Email and Slack Notifications.

Now you can also send WhatsApp and Telegram notifications!!

In an action step, select "Notification":

WhatsApp Notification:

Select a sender from the "From Phone Number" list. A valid sender must have a WhatsApp bot connected to it in the same workspace.

Besides, the receiver must be an existing bot user in the WhatsApp bot, plus, within the 24 hours window. Otherwise, the action fails.

Telegram Notification:

The same applies to Telegram notification. You must have a Telegram chatbot in the same workspace to send out a Telegram notification. And the receiver must be an existing bot user.

You can search a receiver in the Telegram bot by their Telegram User Id, User Ns, Email or Phone Number.

Support system/custom fields in Google Sheet

This is an update about Google Sheet - Get Row / Get Multiple Row.

You can insert variables in your Google Sheet now.

- For system fields, put variable name. e.g. {{first_name}}
- For custom fields, put variable ns.      e.g. {{f244v1231}}

For example, this is a string store in your Google Sheet:

"hi {{first_name}} and {{f244v1231}}"

When the system gets this string, it will translate all the variables to according values then store the result into the mapping field.

How to get the name of a system field?

By lowercasing the word and having underlines as separators:

How to get the variable ns of a custom field?

Auto install free Mini-App when install the template

This is an update about Template.

Before the update, when users install a template and there are Mini-App actions used in the template, these actions will be removed.

Now those Mini-Apps used will be installed to the workspace automatically and those actions will be kept if the Mini-Apps are free to download.

If the Mini-App is not free, please guide your users to download the app before they install your templates.

Manage One-time Link for Templates (both in workspace & via API)

This is an update about Templates - One-time Link.

Before the update, the one-time link for a template is actually the same as a permanent shared link. The difference is the template turns from "shared" to "private" after one installation.

Now you can manage different one-time links for each sharing and you are able to track the status of the installation. Available status: "Available", "Installed" and "Expired".

You can manage your one-time link either:
- manually in your workspace or
- automatically via APIs

For manual management, on your dashboard, go "My Contents" - "My Bot Templates", select a template and the drop-down menu will show like this:

Click on 4 in the above screenshot to get the "Template Ns", the id of this template for API usage.
Click on 5 in the above screenshot to generate a one-time link for this template:

Edit expiration duration and click "Generate New Link". This link will be added to the list and the status will be "Available" in the beginning. When the link is used and the template is installed, the status changes to "Installed". If the template is not installed within the duration, the status goes to "Expired".

To manage automatically via API calls:

Visit template API through

Use the "Get Template" API to get a list of templates by template name, template ns (get template ns from the previous screenshot), etc.

Use the "Generate One Time Link" API to automatically generate a one-time link for the template.

Set Default Flow Builder Theme at Workspace Level

This is an update about workspace settings.

Before the update, each new flow is set to the "Default" theme.

Now you can set your favourite theme at the workspace level! No need to edit it every time you create a new bot!

Simply head to "Workspace Settings" on your dashboard, "Profile" settings:

"Math Formula Calculation" Added to "Set Variable Value" in Action Step

This is an update about the Action Step.

Goto an Action Step, then "Set Variable Value", you can find "Math Formula Calculation" in Operation.

With this operation, you can now do formula calculation directly in the "Set Variable Value".

Math operations and function supported:

+, -, *, e, pi, PI, abs(), min(), max(), ceil(), floor(), log(), pow(), round(), sqrt(), sin(), cos(), tan()

*Please note that: if the formula is invalid, the system will return 0 to number variable and empty to text variable.

Media in Library Can be Deleted Now

Wherever you need to display a media, a "Select Media" window will show.

Under the "Upload Your File" tag, you can select media from your computer and all those uploaded media go to the "Library" tag. So that from now on you can pick the media in the library instead of uploading it again.

UChat just add a new feature to allow you to delete media in the library. Simply hover over the media and a red delete button will show, click on the button to remove this media from the library.

Switch Bot/Flow Feature available in All channels now!

Yesterday we added a new feature about switching bot/flow between different phone numbers in WhatsApp, SMS and Voice.

The feature is now available for all channels! But there is a difference to mention:

WhatsApp, SMS and Voice channel are using users' phone numbers for user_id (user identification), so there is no conflict when you switch a bunch of users from an old number to another phone number.

However, channels like Facebook are using user_id to identify users and each user_id is unique only under this page, it's not unique in the whole Facebook. If the user is switched from one Facebook page to another Facebook page carrying the old page user_id, conflicts might appear. 

Therefore, all bot users will be removed to avoid conflicts.


when you unlink a bot (not in WhatsApp, SMS or Voice), your bot users are kept in the flow.


when you link a bot (not in WhatsApp, SMS or Voice), all bot users in the flow are removed.

Switch Bot/Flow between Phone Numbers (WhatsApp, SMS & Voice)

Before the update, if you need to move a flow from no/one number to another, you will need to publish the old flow to be a template then install it to the new numbers. In that way, bot users in the old flow are not moved to the new number. Only the flow is moved.

Now you can easily switch flow between numbers, all bot users are moved together with the flow and settings.

Simply, click on the unlink button to disconnect the flow with the number and click on link button, then choose a standalone flow to link the flow with the number:

Add WhatsApp/Telegram/Line Chat Widget on your Website like Facebook Messenger

This is an update about Flow Builder - Tools - Widgets in WhatsApp, Telegram and Line channels.

Before the update, you can only add Facebook Chatbot on your website like this:

Now you can add your WhatsApp chatbot to your website!

Follow steps 1-4 to create a new widget then click the pencil icon to enter the edit interface

Follow steps 1-7 to edit the widget and save. Copy the snippet to your website page

You can see what will the widget look like on your website while you edit it

Chat Widget Position on Website Can be Changed Now

This is an update about Chat Widget.

Before the update, the chat widget is in the bottom right corner of your website.

Now you can choose a different position.

Go Flow Builder - Settings - Channel - Chat Widget Customization - Edit - Save:

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External Request Update: send file as parameter in API calls

This is an update about the External Request in the Action Step.

You can include a file itself in the API calls instead of the URL link of the file.

In the External Request, go Body, multipart/form-data and you will see an Upload Files section. Put a file direct link here to include the file itself in the parameter. You can put the link you get from a Question Step here. (Please note that the file URL link from a Question Step is only valid for 24 hours)
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Manually Update Order Status in Dashboard

This is an update about Ecommerce section on Dashboard.

Before the update, you need to use API to update order status.

Now you can manually update order status in Dashboard - Ecommerce - Orders:

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Status Intro:
1. Ordered -------- ordered but unpaid (choose pay by cash)
2. Paid ------------ payment received
3. Processing ----- start processing the shipment
4. shipped -------- item shipped
5. completed ----- order completed
6. cancelled ------ order cancelled
7. refunded ------- order refunded

Mini-App V2 - Source - Dynamic Source - Variable Value Supported in Parameters

This is an update about Mini-App Version 2. (not available in Version 1 yet)

In "Source" - "Dynamic Source",

Before the update, the parameters are fixed values, you cannot get different results for different users.

Now you can send a variable value in the parameter and get different dynamic source lists!

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1. What fields can be used as parameters?
1) inputs in Auth section - Api Key type
2) client id, secret, access token, refresh token, etc in Auth section - OAuth v2 type
3) inputs of actions in Actions section
2. Dynamic Source invalid in One Time Url - 2. Web Forms - Inputs
When you go setting the inputs of web forms in a one-time URL, dynamic source won't work here.
3. the drop-down list only loaded when first click "edit action"
In the chatbot flow, when you create a new action of the Mini-App, and first click "Edit Action", the system will do an external request and generate the drop-down list based on the current value in the fields. If you change the parameter e.g. the value in Auth inputs, the drop-down list won't be re-fresh, please delete the action and create a new one.

Coupon Code Bug Fixed

This is an update about coupon code in the ecommerce system.

Before the update, you might fail when creating a coupon code.

Now you can successfully create and apply a code on the checkout page.

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No Stripe for Testing Checkout Now

This is an update about ecommerce syste.

Before the update, you will need to connect your Stripe account to process to the checkout page.

Now you can test the checkout process without connecting your Stripe:

there will be a "Cash on pickup" option by default

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Duplicate Multiple Steps Supported

This is an update about flow builder.

Before the update, you can duplicate only one step at a time. Now you can select multiple steps and duplicate them.

Please note that,

- after copying multiple steps, you can only paste once. copy again for another paste
- where can I paste the steps?
   (1) to the same bot/flow
   (2) to the different bot/flow but the same channel (associate custom fields will be created automatically)
   (3) to different channels (unsupported features will be removed)

Bot Template Updated

This is an update about bot template.

- subflow template supported (installed subflow goes to a folder)
- template configuration added: viewable, editable, version number (only for subflow template)
- install template from different channel
- interface changed

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New Operation Added to JSON Operation

This is an update about JSON operation.

The new operation is "Remove items by key and value". You can now remove an item in an array by providing a key name and it's value:

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Bot User Auto Cleanup has one conditions now

This is an update about Bot User Auto Cleanup Feature in Settings. Change the auto cleanup days to be greater than 1 then you can setup condions.

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New Action Added: Clear All Custom User Fields

This is an update about Action Step.

We add a new action called "Clear All Custom User Fields". This step helps you clear the values from all custom user fields in one action.

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BOT_CURRENT_TIME system field added

This is an update about the system field.

Before the update, there are NOW, TODAY system fields that refer to the current time/date of the users (if they have a timezone in their profile, otherwise based on workspace's timezone).

Now a new system field is added called BOT_CURRENT_TIME. This one is the current time based on the workspace's timezone.

Scan QR Code to Preview in Phone App

This is an update about the preview feature in all channels which support preview (Facebook, Telegram, WhatsApp, Line and Viber)

When you click the "Preview" button, there will be a QR code generated, you can click "Open in XX" to talk to the bot in the website/desktop application or scan the code with your camera or according phone application.

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Dynamic Quick Reply in Send Message Step Now Available

This is an update about Send Message Step.

Before the update, you will need to list all the quick replies yourself but now, by selecting a JSON variable, your chatbot can list the quick replies from the JSON variable for you:

Please note that these replies expire in 30 minutes. 

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API Added: Get Order by Order ID & Get Orders by User Ns

This is an update about UChat APIs.

2 new APIs added about order:

Get Orders by User Ns:

Get Order by Order ID:

Dynamic Quick Answer in Question Step Now Available

This is an update about Question Step.

Before the update, you will need to list all the quick answers yourself but now, by selecting a JSON variable, your chatbot can list the quick answers from the JSON variable for you:

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Auto cleanup bot users based on time interval

This is an update about bot settings.

We add a new way for you to auto cleanup bot users. You can cleanup bot user when reached bot user limit or time interval.

For example, set up the cleanup to 90 days and the bot will automatically remove users who haven't interacted with your bot over 90 days.

These cleanup conditions are checked once per day, not in real-time.

Alternatively, for more customized cleanup conditions, we suggest you use a datetime based trigger to do a regular check and in the workflow, setup your own condition like only clean guest user or user without contact information, etc.

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Navigate to a step in live chat

This is an update about Live Chat.

Now each message sent by the bot has a little drop-down button, click on it to "Resend Message" or navigate to the step to edit the step, do your improvement in a more convenient way.

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Navigate to a step in error log

This is an update about Error Log.

When you check error log, you can see which step in which subflow went wrong, before the update, you will need to navigate to the step yourself. Now by simply click on the step name, you will jump to the step right away.

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